Welcome to Chuck Brown Music

Thanks for visiting my website, dedicated specifically to spreading the word about my music. My name is Chuck Brown, and I’ve been writing songs since the age of 13, and have recorded several albums of my own across multiple genres of music…and have been honored to have several of my songs recorded by other artists as well. I’ve taken some time to share the musical genres where I’m active, links to my albums, some background info as appropriate, and a number of free MP3 downloads for your personal listening and enjoyment.
[read more about me]

piano-keys1Worldwide, my name is more closely associated with solo piano music than any other genre. While I did take several years of lessons as a kid, I was never a serious studio of piano, though I always loved the sound of the instrument. Along with many others in the 1980s, I was deeply touched by the beauty of George Winston’s solo piano album December. I couldn’t have known at the time that it would lead to the recording of 3 albums of my piano compositions…nor the reception they would garner around the world…particularly in Asian countries.
[more about my piano music]

berries Like many parents, my eyes were opened to all sorts of children’s entertainment options when my kids were young. As a songwriter, it was natural for me to incorporate learning and fun into kids songs for entertainment and teaching. I’ve had a blast writing and recording a whole bunch of songs for children under the name Chuck Brown & The Chuckleberries…and have had the chance to teach them to groups of kids in a number of contexts. Such great fun!
[more about my music for kids]

As a Christian, it’s not surprising that my songwriting has been influenced by my faith…the core value in my life. I started writing faith-oriented songs clear back in the 1970s…long before worship music became so prominent in the culture. As a result, while I have written some worship choruses, my songs tend to go a bit more in-depth, and focus on the Christ-follower’s relationship with and dependence on God.
[more about my Christian music]

Heart-Transparent-sm And, of course…what would songwriting be if it didn’t delve into affairs of the human heart? Struggle, longing, loss, love, heartache and compassion. Both on my own, and in cooperation with some other terrific songwriters, I’ve had a chance to be part of birthing some extremely cool love songs…some of my favorite creations to-date.
[more about my love songs]

About Chuck Brown

Chuck Brown is likely to be the most multi-faceted musician you’ll discover this year. Based in Central Ohio, Brown plays piano and writes songs in a wide variety of styles. He has the type of free-flowing musicality it takes to be equally at home in different genres and has a natural feel for diversity. He is known around the world… [read more]

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