About me
I wrote my first melody as part of a requirement for a Music merit badge at a Boy Scout in Troop 192 in Westerville, Ohio at the age of 13 (a song called Judgement Day…eventually to be recorded on my first piano album, Unadorned)…obviously, the song was titled before I picked up on the correct spelling of the word “judgment”. 😉
My real love is listening to music and writing it….much moreso than performing it. It’s exhilarating for me to hear well-crafted music played, and very fulfilling for me to create it myself. I write some pop, jazz, country, rock, and contemporary instrumental, some love songs and the like targeted for adults, some for kids audiences and some for specifically Christian audiences. I feel like my greatest strength as a songwriter lies in a fairly fresh and accessible melodic style.
As to lyrics, I’ve written many of my own…although I have collaborated with a few lyricists over the years, mostly online. I have really enjoyed setting their words to my music…and I feel like several of those songs are among the best work I’ve done.
My ultimate goal is to see my songs performed by others. I love gifted performers… people who are passionate about bringing their talent, focus and energy to bear on the art of performance…those who “bond” with an audience and find their greatest joy in sharing music with them.
While I enjoy sharing what I’ve created with others, it’s never been as great a passion for me to do that as it has been to craft the songs themselves.
But, ’til others catch on to the fact that I AM, in fact, the world’s greatest songwriter and they just MUST record any song of mine they can get their hands on… 😉 … I’ve taken it upon myself to “get the word out” by performing and recording some of it myself, when possible.
Thanks for listening. I hope you enjoy my music!