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Album: The Grace Project

“Jazz, soul, Funk and rap combine joyously in groovy songs of worship and contemplative ballads. High point: vocalist instructs band to “Praise Him with the drums / Praise Him with the strings,” and each musician gets their own sanctified solo.” (Tim Quirk, Associate Editor –

Welcome to The Grace Project‘s home on the web. What is The Grace Project, you ask? Well, it’s the culmination of a 15-year dream to try something fairly unusual in the musical world: to create music based strictly around the songs, rather than to be confined within the limitations of a band.

The first product from this band was released in 1998 by Grandma Katherine’s Music. The album is called The Big Love! and that’s the theme of the album: God’s love for mankind.

Producer Neal Havener (Oswald and the Herringbones, go robot go!) assembled nearly 40 singers and players at 5th Avenue Studios in Columbus, Ohio to create some very special music.

And in addition to serving as executive producer and chief songwriter for the project, it was also my pleasure to carry around a camera and provide a little visual documentation of the sessions. I hope you enjoy these pictures, the lyrics, and some of the behind-the-scenes information about The Grace Project. Choose from the menu below to learn more.

– Chuck Brown

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