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To You Today

I surrender all to you today
I wanna lose my life in you
I have no agenda, I live only to serve
I give it all
All I have, all my time
Help me deny my own interests
To take up my cross and follow you

You have paid my debt
You’ve forgiven me
Show me now if anything remains
As an act of worship
I offer my body to you
Renew my mind
Show me your will
You are in me and I am sealed in you

Fill me for the day
Take control of me
I desire the Spirit not the flesh
Every thought a captive
The strongholds that bound me torn down
Lord, let me see
Just as you see
Your heart for others, not to serve my needs

Show me the true battle
Not with flesh and blood
But against the powers behind the scenes
With helmet and with breastplate
I put on the armor of God
The belt and the sword
The shield and the shoes
Always alert in prayer for all the saints

A prayer for daily affirmation, inspired by a devotional by John Doyel
Lyrics and music by Chuck Brown
© Chuck Brown

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