Last Minute 49er
Almost old enough to know better
Much too old to rock and roll
I’m wiping the sand off my fingers
And looking for something to hold
The days fly by like a flock of birds
Big and dark and moving fast
I’m here with my feet glued to the ground
Watching my life as it goes by
I’ve been mining for gold
Looking for a reason to the rhyme
Tomorrow will come in time
Tonight I’m a miner
A last minute forty-niner
Little whiles turn into a lifetime
Soon you’re bound by your sorrows
I always thought I had forever
Now I’ve run out of tomorrows
Chances not taken are chances lost
More near misses and close calls
In the end you are who you have loved
And I feel like nothing at all
When it’s all said and done
It comes down to this
I need a half angel half alchemist
Who can turn pain into pleasure
Empty years into blessings
And old fool’s gold into treasure
Copyright 2000
Kent Newsome & Chuck Brown
All Rights Reserved