Original Music from
Music for Kids from The Chuckleberries
Welcome to the web home of Chuck Brown & The Chuckleberries… creating great age-appropriate music for kids who are outgrowing Sesame Street and The Wiggles, but aren’t really old enough to relate to the relational themes of teen pop.
In a world of “information overload”, parents are seeking kids activities that can really make an impact. They want their kids need to discover that learning is an important part of life, and that it can actually be fun!
We mingle clever lyrics with memorable melodies…so the songs (including the educational parts) stick with them. As Mary Poppins said: “A spoonful of sugar DOES help the medicine go down…”
I’ve always had a special affinity for children. I can recall sneaking out of the big services at church in my teens and heading down to the nursery. I had a particular gift for calming crying babies…engaging them with silly faces and odd sounds. I still do that with young children to this day.
So…being a songwriter…when I had kids of my own, it was natural that I would begin to write songs for kids.
I released my first album for kids (Yellowberry Jam) in 2001, and my second (Wander & Wonder) in around 2019, and my third (When Jesus Holds My Heart) is on the way, hopefully in the near future.
You can view our music videos here on this site, on our Facebook page or on our YouTube channel. Here’s a quick-click YouTube playlist that lets you watch all our videos one after another.
And hey…grab some free songs on this page…no strings attached! 😉