You’ve Got A Plan For Me
You never promised there would be no cost
You never promised there would be no loss
You only promised you’d be there for me
So help me see
You’ve got a plan for me
You never promised I would always stand
You never promised I would understand
You only promised you would hold my hand
So help me see
You’ve got a plan for me
In darkest times
When I’m convinced that noone cares
Noone’s there
The load is great
It weighs me down
I lay it here
Don’t let me drown
You never promised that I would not fall
You never promised I could have it all
You only promised there’s no power so great
Not even death itself could separate me from your love
You’ve got a plan for me
You only promised there’s no power so great
Not even death itself could separate me from your love
You’ve got a plan for me
Words and Music
by Chuck Brown